YQB 机场总体非常小。 出租车是把乘客放在‘旅客到达’楼层,然后乘客乘坐电梯上二楼的出发层。过完安检,向左走到候机大厅的几乎是尽头的地方,在右手边会看到此休息室。
Sunday | 4:00 AM ~ 11:30 PM |
Monday | 4:00 AM ~ 8:00 PM |
Tuesday | 4:00 AM ~ 11:30 PM |
Wednesday | 4:00 AM ~ 8:00 PM |
Thursday | 4:00 AM ~ 7:30 PM |
Friday | 4:00 AM ~ 11:30 PM |
Saturday | 4:00 AM ~ 11:30 PM |
Priority Pass 会员可以免费进入
持有商务舱登机牌 免费进入(?需要 DP)
⚠️ 一些休息室的基本规定:
- To access the lounge, passengers, pilots and crew members must present a valid boarding pass for a flight departing from YQB the same day.
- Alcoholic beverages are for consumption in the lounge only.
- Access is not permitted to passengers arriving in Québec City.
- Access to the lounge is limited to a maximum of 4 hours.
- Only those passengers who meet the various access criteria (loyalty programs, pre-authorized access or general admission) are permitted to access the lounge.
- Passengers under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
进入自动门 后,看不到有人的前台,只有无人自助的扫码机。 直接扫描登机牌的二维码 或者 先扫Priority Pass 二维码再扫登机牌的码
休息室整体不大, 沙发、椅子有一些
详细讲解Choice酒店集团品牌 及其 常旅客计划 Choice Privilege | 举例性价比高的兑换城市
记录酒店相关促销活动,包括但不限于 积分购买促销、转积分加赠、酒店限时活动
记录与航空相关促销活动,包括但不限于 里程购买促销、积分转里程加赠 等