发卡银行: Vancity
结算通道: visa
年费: $0
副卡: $0, 最多 10 张
如果同时拥有 Vancity Total Chequing Account, 则免信用卡年费
Vancity 是一家 Credit Union。 消费返利形式是 Vancity Rewards。 等同于现金,可兑换 statement credit,可转到储蓄、投资账户,按照 1 point = 1 cent 的比例。
2%: 通过 Vancity Rewards 预定旅行相关
0.5%: 其他
另外,每个账单如果消费超过 $1000,再多得 1000 积分
Most items you buy with your enviro Visa card will be protected in the event of direct physical damage or theft for 90 days from the purchase date.
Doubles the manufacturer’s Canadian warranty to a maximum of one additional year on most items purchased with your enviro Visa card.
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