
🇺🇸 Amex Hilton Honors Surpass【近史高开卡 16.5 万分, 季度报销DP】

【2024.09.19 更新】最新开卡奖励 16.5 万积分,几乎是史高! 需在 25.01.08 之前申请。 推荐申请链接 (打开后看到很多卡,查找 Hilton Surpass)

【2024.09.18 更新】亲测 DP: 可以购买希尔顿礼卡 Hilton gift card 来完成季度 $50 报销任务。

🔗希尔顿礼卡官方购买链接; ⚠️ 只能邮寄美国境内, 有 $1.95 邮费

【2024.07.29 更新】感谢群友 Peter 分享! Surpass 绑定微信消费 被认作希尔顿消费: 12 倍积分,并可以报销季度$50 希尔顿酒店额度。


  • 改版后,每年有 $200 的希尔顿消费报销
  • 持卡送希尔顿金卡会员, 待遇不错(有双早)
  • 每年消费 $15,000 就有一张无等级限制房券, 价值高

发卡银行: Amex US
结算通道: Amex
年费: $150; 副卡无费用

返还的是 Hilton Points 希尔顿积分, 估计大概在 0.4 cpp


开卡奖励 13 万分

  • 前六个月消费 $3000

推荐申请链接 (打开后看到很多卡,查找 Hilton Surpass)


【2024.05.23 更新】在 2024.07.31 之前申请 开卡奖励 13 万分 + 1 张房券

【2024.03.08 更新】在 2024.04.17 之前申请 开卡奖励 15.5 万分

【2023.10.19 更新】 在2024.1.17 之前申请 开卡奖励 17 万分

【2023.10.01 更新】 开卡 13 万积分

13万积分 + 一张房券


12X: 希尔顿相关

6X: 吃饭、买菜、加油 (仅限美国境内)

3X: 其他消费

福利 & 保险

  • 每年 $200 希尔顿消费报销

每个季度$50; 希尔顿旗下酒店消费,不局限于希尔顿度假村(这一点不同 aspire)

根据群友实测: 除了实际入住希尔顿,还可以 1️⃣ 绑定微信消费, 2️⃣ 购买 Hilton 礼卡 两种途径获得每个季度的 $50 报销。

  • 每日历年 消费 $40,000 USD, 可将希尔顿会籍 升级为 钻石
  • 每日历年 消费 $15,000 USD, 可得免费房券一张 a Free Night Reward
  • Priority Pass Select 免费会员, 并 每持卡年 10次免费进入机场休息室 改版后,这条福利消失
  • 租车会籍 National Executive

Hilton Honors American Express Surpass Card Members can enjoy complimentary National Car Rental Emerald Club Executive status, including perks like Executive Area Access (for full-size reservations and above) in the USA and Canada. Card Members must enroll in the National Car Rental Emerald Club Executive status through their American Express online account using their Card.

  • Amex offers 商家折扣
  • ShopRunner 免运费

  • 租车保险 Car Rental Loss and Damage Insurance

When you use your Eligible Card to reserve and pay for the Entire Rental and decline the collision damage waiver (CDW) at the Rental Company counter, you can be covered for Damage to or Theft of a Rental Vehicle in a Covered Territory. Please read important exclusions and restrictions. Not all vehicle types or rentals are covered. Coverage is not available for vehicles rented in Australia, Italy, and New Zealand. This product provides secondary coverage and does not include liability coverage.

  • 行李保险 Baggage Insurance Plan

Travel more comfortably knowing you can be covered for lost, damaged, or stolen Baggage when you purchase the Entire Fare for a Common Carrier Vehicle ticket (e.g. plane, train, ship, or bus) on an Eligible Card. Coverage can be provided for up to $1,250 for carry-on Baggage and up to $500 for checked Baggage, in excess of coverage provided by the Common Carrier. For New York State residents, there is a $10,000 aggregate maximum limit for all Covered Persons per Covered Trip. Please read important exclusions and restrictions.

  • Purchase Protection

When you use your Eligible Card for Covered Purchases, your Membership can help protect them for up to 90 days from the Covered Purchase date, subject to the Coverage Limits. Up to $1,000 per occurrence, $50,000 per calendar year.

  • Extended Warranty

Use your Eligible Card for Covered Purchases and you can have warranty protection for longer. Extended Warranty matches the Original Manufacturer’s Warranty for up to one additional year when you use your Eligible Card. Applies to warranties of 5 years or less on Covered Purchases in the United States or its territories or possessions. Coverage limited to the actual amount charged on your Card for the item up to $10,000 per item and $50,000 per calendar year.


美国运通 Amex 家个人卡 三张不同的 希尔顿卡, 都建议申请。 查看三张单卡的详细介绍 和 对比


有研究信用卡、航空里程、酒店积分的兴趣 美加生活

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