煮鸡蛋神器Hamilton Beach Electric Hard Boiled Egg Cooker Poacher & Omelet Maker $19.98
Telus 预付计划:无限电话、短信+2GB = $100
Vitamix E320 破壁机 $350
多伦多往返温哥华 $156, 九、十、十一月份

温哥华 YVR – 香港 HKG 往返 $793, 10 月有票
自己多试试时间组合, 比如 10.1 ~ 10.7, 10.1 ~ 10.14, 10.1 ~ 10.18
多伦多 YYZ – 东京 NRT 往返 $1067, 9 月~ 12 月有票
卡尔加里 YYC – 巴黎 CDG 往返 $260。 1 月 2 月有票

多伦多YYZ-都柏林DUB 直飞往返 $444 2025年2、3月多日期

Walmart: Campbell’s Soup 0.77 或 1.97
Canadian Tire 兑换Canadian Tire Money 获得20%返还 1月10、11两天
Aeroplan Point Pursuits 活动: estore 消费得 250 积分(~1.10)
定向。 在收到的邮件里点击 register now
Cineplex 买 $50 礼卡 送礼包 (~12.31)
Get a Holiday Gift Bundle when you spend $50 or more on gift cards (in a single transaction) online at Cineplex.com or in theatre
这个 bundle 包括 各种明年第一季可用的福利
Skip 消费 $10 送 $10 Westjet dollars (~1.13)
Earn 10 WestJet dollars when you spend at least $40 on your order, using code WS10S5NA6I5. Once applied on your first order, you’ll continue earning on eligible orders until January 13, 2025 (up to a max. of 5 orders).*
costco.ca 加航礼卡 $500 面额 售价 $449.99

麦当劳 买 $25 礼卡送汉堡 (~12.31)

RBC Avion Visa 购买周五滑雪 Lift Pass,买一送一
Chatr:$149/年,30 GB
Subway Footlong买一送一
Buy One Footlong and Get One FREE until November 10 – Online and App Only.
Use code: BOGOFL
加行多伦多直飞日本东京 $1200+ 往返
Canada Post: 10月周二免费邮寄
Google Pixel Buds Pro $99.98

多伦多往返香港, 美联航经济舱 $1166 CAD
10, 11, 12月 多日期有票

Walmart.ca IPhone16 全系列减 $100
感谢群友 PP 分享。使用折扣码 GADGET10 购买苹果 16 减 100 刀
Altitude Sports:捐赠$15可获得$30
SportChek VIP ticket 分享
SportChek 店内购物,找店员刷此 VIP 号码查看额外折扣,最低三折!
此号可以使用最多 $3000 商品

Dominos Pizza: 50% off
Costco:Apple iPad Air 5, 10.9 in. 64 GB
Canadian Tire: 购买4条米其林X-ice雪胎可获得$300 Canadian Tire Money
Napoleon BBQ烧烤炉 40% off!@Homehardware

Costco 实体店 WESTJET 礼卡 9 折

Pixel 9/ 9 Pro / 9 Pro XL / 9 Pro Fold 预售额外赠送
Wendy’s Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger + 6pc Nuggets 仅需4刀
Hilroy 1-Subject Notebook 笔记本 $0.25
Costco.ca instacart $100 礼卡八折
Costco.ca Porter Airlines $500 礼卡只要 $450
online only
在Petro Canada购买$75Vanilla Visa可获得额外 $15Petro Canada礼品卡
Toronto YYZ to Saskatoon YXE 往返 167.33
每升一个size + $0.5
卡尔加里往返东京:$860经济舱/$2446商务仓 往返!
Costco.ca Uber $100 礼卡 八折
RBC 用户抽奖泰勒 斯威夫特演唱会门票 总共 100 张!
官网抽奖入口 登录 RBC 账户即可; 幸运的话,可中两张门票+机票、住宿

Apple AirTage $97
Public Mobile: $19/3GB流量, $25/20GB流量(至少订阅90天)
Polestar 2电动车Lease:$1522 down,每月仅需$299
官网链接 在这个高利息时代,1.9%利率福利满满。有想体验电动汽车但又不想给自己钱包负担过重的同学们可以考虑了。
Freedom Mobile预付计划 $119/年 15GB流量,无线通话短信
适合老人、备用号码 官网链接
宜家Ikea Swe-dish Thursday 每周四半价肉丸套餐等
加航 YYZ-YVR 往返经济舱 $213, 可带一随身行李, 9.4 ~ 10.26
CT Money 兑换 返 20% (10.25)
纽约往返巴黎商务舱现金票 仅需 1000 美元出头
感谢群友 Simon 分享! 爱尔兰航空商务舱现金票 纽约往返巴黎, 通过阿拉斯加航空购票

关联万豪 和 星巴克账号,获得 1000 万豪积分 (~10.18)
Jollibee $35 – $5, 折扣码 THANKFUL (~10.14)
Shoppers 积分翻倍兑换,史高! (10.1)
London Drugs:店内消费$100 得 $20 礼卡(~9.30)
IKEA: 全场 15% off (9.19 ~ 9.22)
BurgerKing 汉堡买一送一 8.28 ~ 9.2
Buy One, Get One Free: Offer valid on the BK App only from 8/28/2024 -9/2/2024 at participating restaurants in Canada, and while supplies last. Buy one (1) Whopper Jr. or one (1) Whopper and get another one of thes ame product (and flavour) in the same order for free.Each Offer can be redeemed one time only during the Offer validity period. The Offer must be added to the checkout basket at the time of making the qualifying purchase for the offer to apply. 查看哪些店面参加活动

仅限今日!星巴克买礼卡$25赠$5 (8.26)
Staples.ca $200-$50, 礼卡可,随时过期
折扣码 69594. 网上买礼卡 寄到家里
Metro-安省 羊肩肉4.99/lb

联想无线电竞鼠标Legion M410 $27.89
Logitech Brio 101 Full HD 1080p摄像头 仅需$34.99
Aeroplan estore 苹果店 5x 积分, 苹果店有返校活动送礼卡 (~8.9)
Costca.ca DoorDash $100 礼卡 八折
只限7.26!兑换Canadian Tire Money可返20%
Domino’s Pizza 50%off online only

Altitude Sports: 捐赠$15,可得$30
Circle K: 5.16 4-7PM 加油每升省10分(Expired)
星巴克 购买$50 周边产品 送$15 礼卡
官方活动地址 starbucksathome.com/ca/en-ca/Spend50Get15
6.16 之前,购买星巴克周边产品 $50,上传发票,会收到 $15 礼卡
Shell Ultimate Car Wash 仅需1.57 (Perkopolis)
在Perkopolis上的Shell里填入你注册Shell的邮箱,$8 off 洗车自动添加(需要加一次油),然后可在Shell的app里购买(里面还有$5off)

KFC 汉堡 买一送一 (~7.7)
Buy one Famous Chicken ChickenSandwich,Big Crunch or Zinger, and get thesecond one free. Available on KFC app onlyfor a limited time.
or sign up required.
Available exclusively on the KFC App forpick-up and delivery. Offer not available in.restaurants or through KFC.ca
Available from July 2- July 7,2024.Whilesupplies last. Taxes extra.
SportChek VIP ticket 分享,低至三折 (~6.30)
买$200 Vanilla Prepaid Card, 得$30 Walmart礼品卡

Aeroplan estore 买 apple, 7x 积分(截止 6.2)
Please note the following items are not eligible for the accumulation of Aeroplan points: iPad Pro with Apple M4 chip, the redesigned iPad Air 13” and 11” Apple Vision Pro, all Apple Vision Pro Accessories, Apple Pro Display XDR, gift cards, gift wrap, Apple Developer Programs, AppleCare+ monthly subscription, Employee Purchasing Programs and shipping. Orders purchased on the Government or Military and Veteran’s Stores are not eligible for additional Aeroplan points. Apple sells and ships products to end user customers only; you may not purchase for resale. Eligible only to a customer for up to five (5) units per eligible product, except iPhone, in which case only two (2) units within a thirty-day (30-day) period are eligible.
Metro/Foodbasics 购买$100 Vanilla 预付卡可获$15 Metro Gift Card

Subway: Two Footlong for $15.99
60% off:Anova Precision Cooker Nano $83.99 + 10%off code
母亲节活动。颜值在线,想尝试sous vide水浴加热法料理的同学,可以试一试。
10% off 折扣码: FRIEND-ZLGM34Q

9折Esso Gift Card & One4All Gift Card:满100反10K PC积分 (价值10刀)
Shoppers Drug Mart 5.11-5.16 买One4All礼品卡可得10K积分
Esso:详见你自己的PC Optimum App里的offer,有的人也是每$100反10K积分
Apple Watch 9 GPS $399.99起 5.10-5.12
大疆无人机DJI Mini 3/ DJI RC:$469/$599
Apple Pencil & Magic Keyboard 5折!(The Source)
Adidas阿迪达斯官网:20% off 礼品卡
Apple AirPods Max $603