- 主副卡 都无年费
- 可选三个消费类别 2% 返现

年费:0; 副卡无年费
外币手续费 Foreign currency conversion: 2.50%
2023.07.05 之前申请, 至多 $100 返现, 外加 六个月利率 1.95% 的 balance transfer
- 开卡前俩月消费 前$1000 有 $10%的返现
开卡要求: 个人年收入 6万 或者 家庭年收入 10万 或者在tangerine总资产 25万
2X:可选择两种消费种类获得2%返现; 如果将返现自动存入Tangerine储蓄账户,则可设置3类消费为2%返现
➡️ ➡️ 可设置的消费类别是

福利 & 保险
- Boingo Wi-Fi for Mastercard 无线上网
- 机场休息室权益 Mastercard® Travel Pass Provided By DragonPass
⚠️ 仅提供免费会员; 每次进入 还需交付 $32 USD。 不值得使用
- 租车保险 Rental Car Collision/Loss Damage Insurance
Damage and theft protection for your car rental when you rent for up to 31 consecutive days and charge the full cost of your rental to your Card.
- 手机保险 Mobile Device Insurance
Protection on new cell phones, smartphones or tablets when you charge the full cost to your Card, or when you purchase it through a plan and charge all of your wireless bill payments to your Card. Covers up to $1,000 if your mobile device is lost, stolen, accidentally damaged or experiences mechanical failure.
Purchase Assurance and Extended Warranty1 – For most new purchases made anywhere in the world using your Tangerine Money-Back Credit Card, you may receive a lifetime maximum of up to $60,000 for the following insurance coverage:
- Purchase Assurance to automatically cover loss, theft or damage on most new insured items for 90 days from the date of purchase
- Extended Warranty which may double the period of repair services to a maximum of one year
1, 此卡 world mastercard 在开卡奖励 和 日常消费, 同 Tangerine 家另外一张卡 Money-back credit card 几乎一模一样,仅是多了几样保险。
2, 这个费用 似乎意味着 我们每个月都要把存单保存下来: