卡片种类: 信用卡
年费:$29, 副卡 $0
2024.10.31 之前申请: 开卡享受 0% balance transfer rate 十个月 + 免首年年费
最低额度 $500
延伸阅读 巧用信用卡 Balance Transfer Offer 赚钱
As a Scotiabank Value Visa Cardholder, you can save up to 25% off base rates at participating AVIS locations and at participating Budget locations in Canada and the U.S. when you pay with your Scotiabank Value Visa card.
AVIS reservations may be made online at
avis.com/scotiabankvaluevisa or by calling 1-800-TRY AVIS (879-2847). Please quote AVIS worldwide discount number C030300.
Budget Reservations may be made online at
Budget.com/scotiabankvaluevisa or by calling 1-800-268-8900. Please quote Budget Corporate Discount number A363310.
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