结算通道:VISA (infinite)
年费:$120; 副卡 $50
消费返还的是 现金, 简单粗暴
如果有Scotiabank Ultimate Package, 就可以免除最多 150 的信用卡年费
$200 + 首年 主卡、副卡 免年费
申请条件:年收入6万 或者 家庭年收入10万 或者 净资产25万
Save up to 25% off base rates at participating AVIS locations and at participating Budget locations in Canada and the U.S. when you pay with your Scotia Momentum® Visa Infinite* Card.
AVIS reservations may be made online at avis.com/scotiabankmomentuminfinite or by calling 1-800-TRY AVIS (879-2847). Please quote AVIS worldwide discount number C030400.
Budget Reservations may be made online at Budget.com/scotiabankmomentuminfinite or by calling 1-800-268-8900. Please quote Budget Corporate Discount number A363302.
Protect your new cell phones, smartphones, or tablets purchased using your Card on or after August 1, 2019. This is one of the few Cash Back Visa Infinite* credit cards with this insurance benefit.
Charge at least 75% of your trip costs to your Card and get trip cancellation and trip interruption insurance at no extra cost.
Coverage is provided for eligible persons under age 65 for up to 15 consecutive days.
Charge at least 75% of the full ticket cost to your Card and you’ll be eligible for reimbursement of necessary expenses, such as hotel accommodations, meals, and other emergency items.
Charge the full cost of your airplane, train, bus, or cruise ship tickets to your Card. If your checked luggage is delayed or lost, you’re covered.
Charge at least 75% of your ticket cost to your Card and you’re insured against accidental loss of life or dismemberment.
Charge the full cost of your eligible rental car to your Card and you’re automatically insured if your rental is damaged or stolen.
Most items purchased with your Card are insured against theft, loss, or damage for 90 days from the purchase date. The manufacturer’s warranty is also doubled for up to one year.
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