轻松搞定申根签证 – 法国

人在加拿大,持中国护照,在法国大使馆申请申根签证 | 简单 快速

姐妹篇:人在加拿大申请申根签证 – 意大利版




  • 1.2 晚上填写申请表格
  • 1.4 刷到下一周有递交材料的坑位,预约 1.7
  • 1.7 提交材料,当天收到 VFS 邮件材料已寄出
  • 1.9 邮件告知法国大使馆收到
  • 1.13 邮件告知已经处理,护照转交
  • 1.14 收到 Fedex 邮件,拿到护照

递交材料的时候被告知 大概五到六周处理时间,实际不到一周处理完成。


  • 签证申请费用: 90 欧元
  • VFS 服务费: 37.67 加元
  • 邮寄费用:50 加元


  • 在 VFS 现场拍照: 16.50 加元
  • 在 VFS 现场买旅行保险:32.77 加元




⚠️ 选择英语作为填写表格语言。 如果未设置成功,可以在账户里修改


On the day of your appointment, please present yourself with:

1, Your passport or any other travel document (containing at least two consecutive blank pages) + photocopy of the identity page of this document and of the last visas obtained
2, Originals and photocopy of all the documents listed below, translated into French or English

Please note: ifany ofthese documents are mising, this maylead to the non-isuance ofthe visa you have applied for. The visa center reserves the right to askfor further documentation and information.

A travel document, issued less than 10 years ago, containing at least two blank pages, with a period of validity at least 3 months longer than the date on which you intend to leave the Schengen Area or, in the case of a long stay, at least three months longer than the expiry date of the visa requested. Be sure to transmit (scan) ALL PAGES of your travel document containing visas, entry and exit stamps or any other inscription.
ID photograph..
If you are not a canadian citizen, please provide proof of your legal residency in Canada. residence permit, study or work permit with a valid visa, visitor’s visa with a proof of 3 months residence.
If you have an official travel document, a note verbale is required
Purpose of travel/stay
A round trip flight/travel reservation or other proof of intended transport and full itinerary, if the visit concerns several Member States and Member States not applying the common visa policy.
Socio-professional situation
Proof of socio-professional status (e.g. employment contract, certificate of employment, extract from the trade and companies’ register school attendance certificate, proof of pension) and any documents demonstrating the applicant’s personal links to the country of residence (e.g. copy of marriage certificate, family record book).
Bank account statement(s) during the last three months clearly indicating the name of the bank account holder(s) + salary slips of the last 3 months or other proof of funds.
Reservation of a hotel or sufficient resources to cover hotel expenses (to the amount of e120/day) or a tenancy agreement or certificate of ownership. lf staying with a private individual : proof of accommodation (Cerfa form).
Travel health insurance
Travel health insurance certificate issued by an insurance company (covering any possible costs for medical repatriation, costs related to medical and emergency hospital treatment for a minimum amount of e30000, valid for the entire the Schengen area or for the french Overseas Territories depending on your main destination. A copy of your health insurance card is not an acceptable proof of adequate coverage).

关于旅行保险的一些讨论, 参见文章最后章节

预约 VFS 递交材料




已经在法国大使馆官网填写了签证申请, 在这里可以预约递交材料。直接点击 ‘Book an appointment now’。 别点其他的

加拿大有四个城市可以递交申请材料: 蒙特利尔、渥太华、多伦多、温哥华

旅游签证选择 Short Stay。 如果没有坑位,就会看到下面的图片 ‘no appointment slot available’。 如果有坑位,会看到日历,点击可选择的日期, 尽快输入护照号码等相关信息。

VFS 温哥华办公室

冰吨吨选择温哥华的 VFS 办公室递交法国申根签证的申请材料, 地址是:

VF Services Canada Inc.
Unit 440 4th Floor, 580 Hornby St, Vancouver, BC V6C 2E7

门牌号 580, 四楼, 房间 440。 到了实地,发现好多国家的申根签证都在这里递交材料。


440 是办公室的房间号



  • 语言选择英语


  • 旅行保险

我开始准备的是信用卡自带的保险, 之前在意大利领事馆申请申根签证是可以的。 这次在 VFS 递交材料,负责审核材料的一位印度裔工作人员说需要一份保险 certificate,如果我执意使用信用卡自带的保险,在法国大使馆审核退回来浪费时间,他们不负责。

免得来来回回麻烦,我在 VFS 办公室里贴的旅游保险广告里买了一份: 申根区 7 天 需要 ~30 加元

  • 拍照

在预约 VFS 坑位时候就会发现,他们也提供额外的付费服务。 我看了下拍照收费 $16.50, 和我去 shoppers 或者 london drugs 也差不多钱, 就使用了他们的服务。

Share your love


    • 申根签证从哪个国家大使馆申请 取决于你在申根区哪个国家待时间最久;如果多个国家待的天数相同,就选入境的那个国家办理签证

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