丽笙酒店集团及其常旅客计划丽赏会 Radisson Rewards 最新介绍

亚欧非旅行常用的酒店集团 | 精英会籍待遇慷慨 | 轻松获得最高会籍

现在正在进行的 通过 Club Avolta 可以匹配到 VIP 会籍的活动! 一定要抓住

又来轻松获得丽笙酒店集团最高会籍 VIP | 免费双早, 房型升级, 值得拥有


在此酒店集团还叫做 Club Carlson 的时候,其积分兑换买一送一非常慷慨, 配合其联名信用卡的攒分能力,也算出行的一个好选择。

后来被海航集团收购,又转手给锦江之星。因为是中资,集团的南北美洲部分被强行分拆,由 精选 Choice 吃下。目前丽笙酒店集团旗下的酒店分布在亚洲、欧洲、非洲。

共有 10 个品牌

Radisson 丽筠
Radisson Blu 丽笙
Radisson Red 丽芮
Radisson Collection 丽笙精选
Radisson Individuals
Park Plaza 丽亭
Park Inn 丽柏
Country Inn & Suites 丽怡
Prize By Radisson


博客推荐注册会员链接 (首次入住 额外获得 5000 积分)

会员共分三个级别, 依次是 Club, Premium, VIP。 VIP 有很实在的 免费双早,房型升级,酒廊等福利

据网友 DP: 在亚洲、欧洲, VIP 待遇杠杠的, 免费双早保证, 房型升级也非常大方。

2.1 会籍福利

2.2 如何获得

  • 住宿

12 个月内,住宿 5 晚 或者 3 次,获得 Premium 会籍

12 个月内,住宿 30 晚 或者 20 次, 获得 VIP 会籍

入门的 Club 注册就有

注意 ⚠️ 一:第三方预定 可以

  • If I book through a third party such as booking.com, will my nights / stays count in the calculation towards the next tier?
  • Yes, if you book through a third-party vendor, the nights and stays will be counted towards your next tier. To make sure your nights and stays are considered, please provide your Radisson Rewards number when checking in on your next stay.

注意 ⚠️ 二: 有效入住 才可以通向高级会籍

Eligible Rate” means a rate identified in Radisson’s reservation system as eligible for points. Eligible Rate does not include, without limitation, the following: employee rates; friends and family rates; airline crew rates; travel agency employee rates; certain promotional and package rates; rates paid using a free night voucher and other complimentary or barter rooms; rates booked through an online travel company (only eligible for benefits), whether such rates are direct, auction or bid rates; rates booked and billed through a master account, including group accounts and tour operator accounts; and certain other rates booked through third parties. Eligibility may be determined by Radisson from time to time in its sole discretion.

  • 高卡福利

有一些高端 高年费卡 可以赠送 Premium 会籍

  • 会籍匹配

官网的这个网页要求会籍匹配; 每五年可以匹配一次

其他渠道的会籍匹配:现在正在进行的 通过 Club Avolta 可以匹配到 VIP 会籍的活动! 一定要抓住

又来轻松获得丽笙酒店集团最高会籍 VIP | 免费双早, 房型升级, 值得拥有

  • Bug 活动

比如之前博客介绍的, 利用 bug 直接获得两年的 VIP 会籍。 很多群友已上车,在亚洲、欧洲入住 VIP 体验超级赞

注册就有丽笙酒店集团最高会籍 VIP | 免费双早, 房型升级, 值得拥有


丽笙酒店集团的常旅客计划 英文很简单叫 Radisson Rewards, 中文翻译作 丽赏会。

根据丽赏会积分在兑换房费时候是固定比例,我们可以将它的积分价值定在略低于 0.2 cpp USD.

博客推荐注册会员链接 (首次入住 额外获得 5000 积分)

3.1 获得积分

  • 酒店相关消费
Tier / OptionsClubPremiumVIP
Earn Propositions: All participating RHG brands
Up to 15% discount with Member only rate
8 points per $ spend
  27 points per $ spend36 points per $ spend
If Discount Booster is active in the member’s account: 9 points per $ spendIf Discount Booster is active in the member’s account: 12 points per $ spend
Earn Propositions: Prize by Radisson
4 points per $ spend
 13.5 points per $ spend18 points per $ spend
If Discount Booster is active in the member’s account:
4.5 points per $ spend
If Discount Booster is active in the member’s account:
6 points per $ spend

Food and Beverage
Points are earned based on the earn proposition selected, when staying in the hotel and restaurant bill is added to hotel bill paid in full at checkout.
Points are not earned on alcohol and tobacco products.
Meetings and EventsMembers earn 5 points per $ spend on meetings and events. Maximum 250,000 points per event.

在自己账户里可以设置 是否开启 Discount Booster. 要么多积分, 要么多拿现金折扣

对比下, 还是可以节省不少:

  • 购买积分


现在有积分购买的 50% 加赠促销, 算下来成本合 0.39 cpp USD。 非常不划算

  • 不同账户积分合并

可以免费的在不同账户之间转分, 官网地址

  • 购物

The Bicester Collection’s 11 unique open-air shopping destinations

  • 租车

SIXT 和 Euorpcar

  • 旅游

GetYourGuide 消费,每刀累积 20 个积分

3.2 使用积分

  • 抵扣房费

现在 Radisson 积分的使用简单粗暴, 直接按照固定 rate 抵扣房费,这个 rate 大概略小于 0.2 cpp USD

在订房时候,有一个 payment options,在里面可以选择使用多少积分付款, 大概 1000 分 合 2 美元。

  • 转到其他航空积分
British Airways10:1
Flying Blue (Air France / KLM)10:1
  • 购买 Priority Pass

Priority Pass 介绍 – 机场休息室及其他体验【可用在国内高铁贵宾室】

16万积分 换 10 次机场休息室权益。

Members can redeem 160,000 points to receive Priority Pass Standard Plus Membership. Members will receive 10 free visits with the yearly membership and after the 10th visit, each visit will cost USD 32.

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