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Questrade 进军 返现网站、帮你存钱 业务?

Questrade 是个很好的平台,用加元、美元炒炒加股、美股, 可使用普通账户,也可使用注册免税账户。 前段时间,连 FHSA 也可以从它家开户。 可万万没想到的是,它家竟然也看上了 shopping portal 和 零钱投资的业务。

🇨🇦 加拿大首套房储蓄账户 FHSA |免税、年轻人必知【TD开户送$100】

冰吨吨收到 Questrade 推广邮件,告知有这么个业务。现在和大家一起来看一下 RoundUPCashback Rewards 两个项目。

登录 Questrade, 在 PROGRAMS 能看到这两项业务。 没有 Questrade 的朋友,可以使用我的 referral code 注册 (805616143448050),你我各得 $50. (感谢支持博客写作)


简单来说,就是追踪你链接的信用卡消费,每笔消费向上取整计算数额,把相应数额的现金从你的链接支票账户 转入你的 Questrade 账户。 美其名曰:帮你养成良好的 存钱投资习惯。

Cashback Rewards

链接最多两张信用卡,使用这两张信用卡在特定商家消费,会得到一定的返现奖励。 该奖励直接进入 Questrade 账户。

(需要 DP)现在有点不清楚的是: 是否必须通过它的链接进入商家消费 才能拿到返现奖励,还是只要信用卡链接在 Questrade 的 Cashback Rewards 项目里,通过其他网站 (比如 rakuten),可以实现三拿:Questrade Cashback Rewards + Rakuten + Credit card.

网购返现网站 cash back portal – 加拿大篇 🇨🇦


Do I have to activate an offer, or use a coupon to redeem rewards?

No, just shop or dine at places using your linked credit card where the offer is applicable, and you will be rewarded automatically if all the conditions are met.

但是进入 Questrade Cashback Rewards 页面看,目前只有 online offer,并且点开 details 也有一个 link 到特定商家。这样就让我有些拿不准。目前特定返现商家举例一部分:

⚠️ 注意

  • 可以链接的卡 仅限加拿大的 visa 、 mastercard 信用卡


RoundUP 是来搞笑的:我让 Questrade 知道我的消费信息,结果 Questrade 把小额的钱从我的支票账户转到我的 Questrade 账户,合着它啥都不付出,纯为了帮我养成良好的存钱投资习惯。

Cashback Rewards 如果是通过追踪链接信用卡的消费,特定商家直接给返现奖励,而不是像传统的返现网站那样必须通过它的 link 完成消费才可以拿到返现奖励, 我觉得还是可以开一个的。

Frequently asked questions about the RoundUP automatic savings and Cashback Rewards programs.

How much does the program cost?

Nothing! Both RoundUP and Cashback Rewards, and are completely free of charge to sign up for. Questrade will never charge you any fees to use the RoundUP or Cashback Rewards programs.

How many credit cards can I use?

You can enroll one credit card for the RoundUP program, and up to 2 for Cashback Rewards.

What kind of credit cards can I use?

Canadian Visa and Mastercard is available for use with both programs. Unfortunately Visa Debit, American Express, Discover, and other prepaid debit cards are not supported.

How many Questrade accounts can I use?

Only one Questrade account can be linked to both the RoundUP and Cashback Rewards program at this time.

Which Questrade account can I use?

You can sign up with most types of Questrade accounts, including Questwealth portfolios. (TFSA, Margin, RRSP & etc…)

Certain retirement accounts that are not eligible for new contributions cannot be used. (i.e. RIF, LIF, LIRA, etc…) In addition, FX & CFD accounts are not eligible at this time.

Please note: Both RoundUP, and Cashback Rewards deposits are considered contributions into Registered accounts. Please check to make sure you have the available contribution room if you choose to deposit into a registered account.

How will the deposit appear in my account?

The deposit will appear in your account as Cash. You can track the RoundUP and Cashback Rewards deposits using the Reports -> Account activity page. With a Self-directed account, once it’s been deposited as cash, you can use it right away for investing or other purposes.

With Questwealth accounts, after the cash is deposited, and certain criterias are met (for rebalancing or asset allocation), the funds are automatically invested into your selected portfolio within 1-3 business days. (As long as you meet the minimum Questwealth portfolio funding requirements of $1,000).

What information is being collected from my purchases?

Your data security and privacy are of utmost importance to Questrade.

For the RoundUP program, Questrade will receive information only on the dollar amounts of your purchases. (To calculate the amount being rounded.) No other individual purchase information is stored.

For the Cashback Rewards program, Questrade will receive information on qualifying purchases only. Specifically the date the transaction was made at the merchant, and the amount. This information is only used to display your reward progress, and to track your eligibility for rewards.

Neither Questrade, nor our technology partners, are storing your credit card or full transaction data. None of your information will be shared or sold to any third parties.

For more details, you can always read through the terms and conditions.

Can I sign up for one program now, and another later?

Yes, you can edit your program enrollment anytime after your initial signup. You can start with just Cashback Rewards, or just RoundUP, and add the other program at any time.

Do I have to activate an offer, or use a coupon to redeem rewards?

No, just shop or dine at places using your linked credit card where the offer is applicable, and you will be rewarded automatically if all the conditions are met.

How long does enrollment take?

Signing up only takes 2-3 minutes, and your credit card is linked immediately. Start shopping and earning rewards right away!

Are my credit card points affected?

No, these RoundUP and Cashback Rewards programs are completely separate from your credit card’s points, or rewards program.

Does the name on my credit card have to match my Questrade account?

No, the name on the linked credit card does not necessarily need to exactly match your Questrade account, but you do need the card holder’s permission. In addition, a credit card can only be linked to one Questrade account.

Is there a limit to how much Cashback Rewards I can earn?

Please refer to each individual retailer’s, or merchant’s offer for the specific terms and conditions. Some offers may be eligible for use more than once per day, some offers may be limited per time period (once a week, or month).

When are RoundUP and Cashback Rewards deposited in my Questrade account?

Deposits for both programs are calculated on the first business day of each month, and will appear as cash in your account within 1-3 business days. Remember: You can track your rewards on the Account activity page, the day after the deposit.

For example: RoundUP and Cashback Rewards purchases made in December are deposited in the first week of January.

Are Cashback Rewards paid instantly?

Rewards are paid out once per month. Check out the question above for more info on when the cash is available.

Are RoundUP and Cashback Rewards paid separately?

Yes, both programs are paid separately. You can track the different deposits from each program on the Account activity page, the day after the deposit.

I’ve made a qualifying purchase, but don’t see the transaction on my reward details page?

If your purchase is still in a “pending” status with the merchant, or processing bank, you might not see it right away. Please allow for up to 24-48hrs after your purchase (especially if on a holiday) for it to appear on your reward details page.

Can I pause or remove my Cashback Rewards, or RoundUP programs?

Yes, you can pause, or cancel your enrollment anytime from the main “Programs” page. Simply click the edit button, and you can change your preferences as needed.

If I get charged NSF (non-sufficient funds) fee or monthly maintenance fee because of this program, would I get a rebate?

The amount of the pre-authorized payments each month has to be $10 or more, we strongly recommend you monitor your bank account monthly to ensure you have sufficient funds.

NSF charges will not be rebated but we will automatically cancel your enrollment to ensure no further charges can be applied. You can re-register in the program any time.

Can deposits be cancelled and funds be sent back to my bank account?

No, once the deposit has been settled in your Questrade account, we cannot send it back to the originating bank account.

You can however simply withdraw the funds with a simple request at any time. Please note the processing times for the different withdrawal methods.


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