🇨🇦 MBNA Rewards Platinum Plus Mastercard


  • 无年费
  • 日常消费返现还不错


消费返还的是 MBNA Rewards Points,积分价值在 0.5 ~ 1 cpp 之间

博客详细介绍 MBNA Rewards Points


1 万积分 + 额外 2 积分消费

  • 前 90 天 消费 $500 得 5000 积分
  • 前 90 天注册 paperless statements 得 5000 积分
  • 前 90 天 在吃饭、买菜、数字媒体、会员费、水电气费的消费,每加元额外 2 个积分(原本就 2x,现在 4x),⚠️ 每个类别消费上限是 $10,000



2x:吃饭、买菜、数字媒体、会员费、水电气费 (每年每个类别消费上限 $10,000)


福利 & 保险

  • 每年生日获得前一年消费积分的 10% 奖励

上限 1 万分

  • 租车优惠 Avis / Budget

Use your MBNA credit card to save a minimum of 10% off the base rates in Canada and the U.S., and a minimum of 5% off the base rates internationally, on qualifying car rentals at participating Avis and Budget locations.
Avis: You can reserve your Avis car rental by visiting www.avis.ca/mbna. Quote Avis Worldwide Discount (AWD) #C078405 at the time of reservation and charge the full rental to your MBNA credit card.
Budget: You can reserve your Budget car rental by visiting www.budget.ca/mbna. Quote Budget Customer Discount (BCD) #A331704 at the time of reservation and charge the full rental to your MBNA credit card.

  • Mobile Device Insurance

With Mobile Device Insurance, you’ve got up to $1,000 in coverage for eligible mobile devices in the event of loss, theft, accidental damage or mechanical breakdown

  • Extended Warranty Benefits

Doubles the written manufacturer’s warranties valid in Canada for up to one additional year on eligible new purchases made with your MBNA credit card

  • Purchase Assurance

Coverage on eligible items purchased with your MBNA credit card should they be stolen or damaged within the first 90 days from the date of purchase. Lifetime total accumulative limit of $60,000 per account.




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