发卡银行: CIBC
结算通道: VISA
年费: $120; 副卡 $50 (最多3张)
消费返还的是 加航 Aeroplan 里程, 估计大于 1.5 cpp
60,000 Aeroplan 里程 + 年费返还 (主卡 $120, 三张副卡 $50)
1.5X:旅行(airlines, hotels, car rental agencies, cruise lines, travel agencies or tour operators, tour buses or bus lines)
1.5X:交通(local and suburban commuter passenger transportation, ferries, local water transportation, railways, limousines or cabs)
1.5X:吃饭、运费、网费、话费 (dinning, shipping, internet, phone)
Enjoy a free first checked bag for you, your authorized users and up to 8 companions every time you fly with Air Canada.
receive one (1) Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounge One-Time Guest Pass (each a “Guest Pass”) for every $10,000 in eligible net Purchases
旅行、购物相关保险 (具体条款 参考官网)
Scotia 的高端卡, 亮点颇多, 福利齐全 | 高年费、高福利
详细总结加拿大🇨🇦五大银行的哪些支票账户可以减免哪些信用卡 多少额度的年费, 并总结其他福利 | 最后给出个人建议 供参考 | 加拿大新移民、留学生必知