canada banks

2025最新🇨🇦加拿大银行开户奖励总结 【TD saving $2400, TD $600, RBC Apple watch 10, BMO $750+5.0%】

总结加拿大五大行 加一些靠谱网络银行的开户奖励 | 羊毛中比较大的,不可忽略

【2025.03.25 更新】TD 新开储蓄账户,存款可得最多 2400 现金奖励!4.30 之前转入新钱,保持到 8.28。 部分老用户也收到此促销。

Cash Tier MinimumCash Offer

【2025.02.26 更新】TD 新开支票+储蓄+信用卡, 最高奖励 $600。 比刚结束的促销要高 100 刀。

【2025.02.23 更新】 RBC 新开支票账户 Signature No Limit 或者 VIP, 奖励是 New Apple Watch Series 10

【2025.01.27 更新】 RBC InvestEase 新开户 $300,还有至多 50 万 Avion 积分

【2025.01.25 更新】难得最近新开储蓄账户利率比上一次更新上涨的! BMO 最新开户奖励 $700 + 5% (120 天),通过博客 refer 再多得 $50。 详情见正文第一节。

【2024.12.20 更新】全面更新银行开户奖励,大部分都降了


开户之后,继续了解一下 加拿大银行账户如何节省月费

【BMO】 $700 + $50 + 5.0%

2025.02.28 之前 使用 referral link 开户 多得 $50。 当下官网活动是 $700 奖励,这样一共是 $750 的奖励。

Step 0: 获得 refer link

发送你的 given name, family name 到
博客会发送 refer 到你的邮箱 (可能需要一会才会收到邮件)

Step 1: Chequing Account Offer

Earn $450 when you open a new BMO Performance or Premium Plan Chequing Account and make a deposit of any amount by  March 3, 2025.

Complete two of the following by April 30, 2025:

  • Set up a recurring direct deposit; and/or
  • Make two eligible online bill payments of at least $50 to different billers; and/or
  • Set up two eligible pre-authorized debits of at least $50 to different billers

Step 2: Savings Account Offer

  • Earn $200 when you open a Savings Amplifier Account by March 3, 2025 and complete the following:
  • Deposit a total $10,000 or more into the Savings Amplifier Account within the first 30 calendar days of opening the Savings Amplifier Account;
  • After the initial 30-calendar day period from the Savings Amplifier Account open date, maintain a daily closing balance of $10,000 or more at all times for an additional 90 calendar days.
  • You must complete step one to qualify for step two.

Step 3: Family Bundle Offer

  • Earn an extra $50 when you invite a family member as part of a
    BMO Family Bundle and have them open their account by March 3, 2025
  • You must qualify for step one to complete step three. 

⚠️ 开储蓄账户的话,有 120 天的 5.00% 存款。

【CIBC】 $600 + 5.00%

无限定身份的新用户 offer:

官方申请链接; 奖励是 $400 现金 (开支票账户) + $200 (同时开储蓄账户, 5.00% 四个月) ;
有工资之类的 Direct Deposit 比较容易满足条件,拿到开户奖励

拿到支票账户的 $400 条件:

Step 1: Set up ongoing monthly direct deposits totalling $500 or more from your employer, government or pension.

Step 2: And complete 1 of these 3 transactions within the same calendar month

  • 2 recurring pre-authorized debits.
  • 2 online bill payments of $50 or more each
  • 5 online Visa* Debit purchases

拿到储蓄账户的 $200, 需要完成以下所有:

Get $200 after you complete all qualifying actions for the Smart Account offer, and:

  • Open your first eAdvantage Savings Account within the same calendar month as your Smart Account
  • Hold a minimum balance of $10,000 in your eAdvantage Savings Account by the end of the second calendar month (not including the month in which you open your account), then
  • Maintain a minimum balance of $10,000 each day for the next 3 calendar months

⚠️ 新开的储蓄账户有 5.00% 四个月优惠储蓄利率

新到加拿大的新用户 offer:

New to Canada 包括 1, PR 不满五年, 或者 2, 持有超过 12 个月工签 的新到加拿大朋友

博客推荐申请链接; 开户奖励是 $400 + $50 (被 refer)

条款说的较为含糊, 总结如下:

为了拿到被 refer 的 $50 需要:

Conditions you must also meet to get your $50:

Open your first new CIBC Smart™ Account for Newcomers

Deposit $100 or more and maintain a minimum account balance above $0 for 60 days

Set up either a pre-authorized payment or direct deposit

为了拿到新开户的 $400 Costco Cash Card 需要:


Ready to get your special offer? Here’s how:

  1. Provide your email address when you open a CIBC Smart Account for Newcomers as your first CIBC chequing account.
  2. Within the first 2 months, set up ongoing monthly direct deposits totalling $500 or more.
  3. Complete one of these 3 transactions within the same calendar month:
  • 2 ongoing pre-authorized debits
  • 2 online bill payments of $50 or more each
  • 5 online Visa* Debit purchases

⚠️ 新用户开储蓄账户, 享有 120 天 5.75% 存款利率。

【RBC】 Apple Watch Series 10

2025.06.02 之前开新户 可以得到 new apple watch series 10

两张种账户符合要求: RBC Signature No Limit Banking 和 RBC VIP Banking

How to get your Apple Watch Offer

1️⃣ Open an eligible RBC bank account by June 2, 2025

2️⃣ Set up and complete two of the following by August 11, 2025:

  • Your payroll or pension as a direct deposit
  • Two pre-authorized monthly payments (PAPs)
  • Two bill payments to a service provider

【RBC InvestEase】 $300 + up to 500k Avion

官方申请地址 🔗; 3.3 之前申请; 4.3 之前 从非 RBC 转入至少 $15000 保持到 10.3, 可拿 $300 奖励; 每转入 $2 再得 1 个 Avion 积分,上限 50 万积分; 开户类型包括 TFSA, RRSP, FHSA, non-registered

这个账户是 RBC 代你自动投资,几乎没有自己操作

【Scotiabank】 up to $800

官方申请链接; 2025.03.01 之前申请

【TD】 $600

官方申请链接; 2025.05.28之前 开户 $450 + $150

具体如何获得 600 加元开户奖励细则

【Simplii】 $350 + 4.60%

博客推荐申请链接; 开户奖励在官网直接申请是 $300,使用推荐链接申请 多得$50

新用户的开户奖励 包括:

Earn $300
Open a No Fee Chequing Account by April 30, 2025
Add an eligible direct deposit of at least $100 a month for 3 straight months.

Earn 4.60%
Open a High Interest Savings Account
Earn a special 6.00% interest rate on eligible deposits for 5 months. No matter how much is in your account, you won’t pay monthly fees.
Limits apply. Offer ends February 28, 2025.

Earn up to 10%
Open a Cash Back Visa* Card
For your first 3 months with a Cash Back Visa Card, enjoy 10% cash back on eligible restaurants, food delivery and bar purchases. Up to $1000 spend.

博客关于 Simplii 网络银行的介绍

【Tangerine】 $250 + 4.50%

2025.03.31 之前申请

Getting a sweet $250 is as easy as 1-2-3

1. Become a Client

Sign up in minutes on your phone and get ready to have simple banking at your fingertips.

2. Open your Chequing Account

It’s the original no monthly fee digital bank Account, designed to uncomplicate your life.

3. Switch your payroll deposits to earn $250

Move your paycheques to your Tangerine Chequing Account for 2 consecutive months, and we’ll give you $250.

Plus: New Clients get a 4.50% rate for 5 months2 when they open a Savings Account

博客关于 Tangerine 网络银行的介绍

【PC Money Account】 $200+3.5%

官网链接 🔗 ; 开户奖励 $200, 添加 savings 功能则有 3.5% 的储蓄利率

欢迎在申请过程中使用博客的推荐码 RZ94095304

To complete your application you will need:

  • To be a resident of Canada
  • To be at least 16 years of age
  • YourSocial Insurance Number(SIN) Required if you’re adding the savings feature.

【DUCA】 $450 + $100

官网直接申请, 新开支票账户 得 $450 奖励 (仅限 ON),使用推荐码 D05278475 再多得 $100

获得奖励条件是 在 3.31 之前 完成 5 次 DD,每次超过 $250

活动细则 见官网说明

【coastcapital】 $500 + 5.0%

2025.03.31 之前申请, 最多可得 $400 (chequing) + $100 (credit card) + 5.0% (saving), 官网地址

  • chequing

新用户: Elevate -> $400, Unlimited -> $250, basic -> $150

还要设置 DD

  • Credit card

也分不同种类 $100, $50 开卡奖励不等

  • Saving 5.0%,直到 4.30

关键词: 加拿大银行开户奖励,Canadian Banks new account offers

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  1. 我是SDS学签,在大陆开的CIBC的GIC账户存的钱,来之后激活时问CIBC说我不符合所谓的新开户条件,必须是在加拿大本土开户才算。是这样吗?

    • 你在大陆存 GIC 的时候就开户成功了, 跟激活不激活没关系。 你当时开户应该是在 CIBC 中国分行开户,跟这边的 CIBC 促销活动不一定一样, 需要查询 CIBC 中国分行当时的活动

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