🇨🇦 Amex Business Edge【开卡 6.7 万分, 即将下架?】


  • 消费返还 Amex MR,积分灵活、价值高
  • 在办公用品、电子产品、加油、吃饭 上面有3倍积分

发卡银行: Amex Canada
结算通道: Amex
种类: 信用卡、商业卡
年费: $99; 副卡 无年费

返还的是 Amex MR, 积分价值高


至多 🉐️ 67,000 MR 积分

  • 前三个月消费 $5000, 可🉐️ 45,000 积分
  • 首年 每月消费 $3000, 每月🉐️ 1000 积分; 这样总共是 12,000 积分
  • 前六个月在以下类别消费 🉐️ 10X 积分 (office supplies & electronics, rides & gas, eats & drinks),上限 10,000 积分

申请链接 GCR $75


3X: office supplies & electronics, rides & gas, eats & drinks
⚠️ 每年这几个类别 可得积分上限为 75,000

1X: 其他消费

福利 & 保险

  • 积分是 Amex MR, 使用灵活, 价值高
  • Amex Offers, 会有一些商家折扣
  • Payment Flexibility
  • 租车失窃、损坏保险 Car Rental Theft & Damage Insurance

You can be covered for theft, loss and damage of your rental car with an MSRP of up to $85,000 for rentals of 48 days or less when you fully charge your rental to your American Express Business EdgeTM Card. To take advantage of this protection, simply decline the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW), Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) or similar option offered by the car rental agency.

  • 购物保险 Purchase Protection Plan

You can be insured for eligible items charged to your American Express Business EdgeTM Card for 90 days from the date of purchase in the event of accidental physical damage or theft for up to $1,000 per occurrence (for all purchased items combined).

  • 买家保险 Buyer’s Assurance® Protection Plan

Your coverage can automatically extend the manufacturer’s original warranty up to one additional year when you fully charge eligible items to your American Express Business EdgeTM Card.


有研究信用卡、航空里程、酒店积分的兴趣 美加生活

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