【2024.03.15 更新】大幅改版,全面降级
发卡银行: Brim Financial
结算通道: mastercard
年费: $199 $89; 副卡 $50无境外手续费, 境外消费手续费 1.5%; 消费返还的是 Bilt Rewards, 等价于 1 分钱
1%: 所有
$150,000 / insured $500,000 / accident
up to $1500 for loos, theft or damage
up to max $1000
doubles, up to 1 additional year, max $25,000 per cardholder
90 days, $1000 per occurrence
$500 / day, max of $1000 / occurrence for all insured (delay > 4h)
$500 / insured per occurrence, max of $1000 / occurrence for all insured (delay > 6h)
$1000 / insured, max $2000 for all insureds.
$2500 / occurrence
48 days MSRP $85,000
$2000 / insured per trip, max $5000 / trip for all insureds
$5000 / insured per trip, max $25,000 / trip for all insureds.
记录酒店相关的促销信息:包括但不限于 购买积分加赠、酒店礼卡促销、季度促销奖励
记录航空相关的促销信息: 包括但不限于 购买里程促销、航司礼卡促销、积分转点促销