发卡银行: Bank of America
结算通道: VISA
年费: $70 per company, $25 per card
消费累积的是 阿拉斯加航空里程 AS miles, 价值高,大于 1.7 cpp USD
50,000 AS 里程 + 一张同行券
2x: 加油, 充电,快递费用, 交通(rideshare, trains, even tolls and ferries)
1x: 其他
⚠️ 如果开 BOA small business 账户, 消费累积的里程数加赠 10%
Travel benefits your business needs including $1,000,000 in travel accident insurance. Additional services include auto rental insurance, emergency ticket replacement, lost-luggage assistance and legal and medical referrals when you’re away from home.
详细讲解Choice酒店集团品牌 及其 常旅客计划 Choice Privilege | 举例性价比高的兑换城市
记录酒店相关促销活动,包括但不限于 积分购买促销、转积分加赠、酒店限时活动
记录与航空相关促销活动,包括但不限于 里程购买促销、积分转里程加赠 等