机场休息室: 东京成田机场全日空休息室 ANA Lounge @ NRT T1

日本东京成田机场全日空自营休息室体验 | 中规中矩,座位多 人少 可以吃饱 可以淋浴

ANA 在 NRT Terminal 1 自营休息室大概有两个,分别在航站楼的两端,一个在 satellite 5 (我这次去的,在登机口 54 附近), 一个在 satellite 2.


  • Satellite No. 5:
    7:00 AM – Unitl departure of the final ANA Group operated International flight.
  • Satellite No. 2:
    From March 31, 2024 1:00 PM – 7:20 PM


The table below applies to passengers traveling on ANA Group operated flights and/or Star Alliance-operated flights.

Class/StatusAdditional Guests Allowed
First ClassOne
Business Class
Premium Economy *1
Diamond Service MembersOne *2
Platinum Service MembersOne *2
Super Flyers MembersOne *2
Star Alliance Gold membersOne *2
ANA Million Miler Program “Lounge Access Card” holders *1One *2
  • * When traveling with two to four other people, ANA Diamond Service members may bring these people into the ANA departure lounges as their guests by using 5000 miles, 4 upgrade points or a lounge ticket for each person.
  • * Please note that the second through fourth accompanying guests of “Diamond Service” and “Platinum Service” members, as well as “Bronze Service” members and their accompanying guest, may use the Lounge in exchange for miles or upgrade points.
  • *1.Only available to passengers with ANA Group operated flights.
  • *2.You can use the lounge when you depart on the same flight as the primary member.

我是乘坐长荣商务舱,有机会进入 ANA 休息室。


托运完行李,商务舱乘客可以经过快速通道,过完安检 看到如下指示牌

向左走, 通向 satellite 5 那个 ANA自营休息室, 图示 S34, 在登机口 54 附近; 向右是去往 satellite 2 的自营休息室

通过电梯上一层楼 便到

ANA 自营休息室 正面


左手边是 ANA Lounge, 右手边是 ANA Suite Lounge,进入资格要求更高一些

ANA Lounge
ANA Suite Lounge

Suite lounge 的准入条件 (头等舱 和 真高卡):

The table below applies to passengers traveling on ANA Group operated flights and/or Star Alliance-operated flights.

Class/StatusAdditional Guests Allowed
First ClassOne
Diamond Service MembersOne *2
ANA Million Miler Program “Lounge Access Card” holders *1One *2
  • * When traveling with two to four other people, ANA Diamond Service members may bring these people into the ANA departure lounges as their guests by using 5000 miles, 4 upgrade points or a lounge ticket for each person.
  • *1.Only available to passengers with ANA Group operated flights.
  • *2.You can use the lounge when you depart on the same flight as the primary member.




继续往里面走,一个人都没有。 这个休息室非常大。

酒水吧台也未开放; 在领取食物的地方自助。

也有免费的淋浴, 需要排号,由前台工作人员引导。


食物、饮料算是丰富,东西方样式的吃的 都有一些。

录了两段视频: 第一段整体记录食物饮料, 第二段点了一碗拉面。


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