加航正向升级: eUP, Online Reward Changes, Lounge

详细讲解最近加拿大航空的三个正向变化: eUP可给俩同行人、里程票在线修改、新开加航休息室 | 给加航👍

2023.08.17 收到加航发来邮件,提到最近的三个新变动,都是积极正向的。

1⃣️ eUpgrade credit 可用于两名同行人

之前只能用在最多一名同行人,从 8.1 开始,可以用于两名同行人

Doubling Your eUpgrade Companion Benefits
Your eUpgrade credits may now be used to upgrade two travel companions. Previously, you could only request upgrades for one companion on your reservation. But as of August 1, we’ve doubled that, allowing you to request upgrades for two companions. The same applies to the day of travel, where you can now make a request with an Air Canada airport agent to use your credits for up to two additional companions, instead of just one.

2⃣️ 里程票可以在线修改了!


Introducing Online Reward Changes
Now you can make changes to most Aeroplan flight rewards on aircanada.com. Once you sign in and retrieve your booking details, look for the “Change flight” button. From there you can shop for alternate flights, including changes to dates, cities, airlines and cabin of service. Since this is still in its initial phase, stay tuned as we make additional improvements based on your feedback.

登录加航账号,选择里程票,点开 就可以看到 ‘change flight’ 的选项

进入‘change flight’ 选择 ‘find new flight’, 加航很自觉的提醒 这个功能还不完善,实在不行,可以人工打电话


最后会显示 改票需要的 里程差价 和 手续费

3⃣️ 新的机场休息室: Billy Bishop in Toronto, San Francisco, Newark Liberty

Air Canada Café at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport

Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport
Gate 1, Domestic Terminal

the new Maple Leaf Lounge at San Francisco International Airport

Terminal 2, Sector 4, 4th floor. Find the elevator in the airside walkway between boarding areas D and E, near security checkpoint D.

Newark 用的应该是 United Club

延伸阅读:🇨🇦 信用卡 — 机场休息室福利 总结

延伸阅读:Aeroplan 简介 | 🇨🇦加国航空积分称第二 无人敢称第一

延伸阅读:🇨🇦 Amex Aeroplan Reserve 【开卡: 11.5万里程+$200】

延伸阅读:常旅客新人 Aeroplan配合CA Amex信用卡积分的回国商务舱里程票初体验

延伸阅读:机场休息室:温哥华机场加航休息室 Maple Leaf Lounge @ YVR Domestic

延伸阅读:机场休息室:多伦多Maple Leaf Lounge (Transborder)体验

关键字:加拿大航空, aeroplan改动, 加拿大航空温暖升级,aeroplan在线修改里程票, 加拿大航空里程票, aeroplan里程票

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