- 没啥亮点;搞这些奇奇怪怪的积分,还不如返现来的简单
发卡银行: RBC Royal Bank of Canada
结算通道: VISA
年费:0; 副卡年费 $0 (最多可添加9人)
消费累积的是 moi points, 兑换价值为 0.8 cpp; 每个账单日 积分自动进入 Moi 账户
⚠️ 积分兑换只能在 Metro, Super C, Jean Coutu, Brunet, and Première Moisson stores in Quebec 和 Jean Coutu stores in Ontario and New Brunswick.
2023.08.31 之前申请, 至多 4000 积分
- 首笔消费 🉐️ 3000 分
- 持卡半年 🉐️ 1000 分
2X:Grocery, Beauty, Wellness (需要在 Metro, Jean Coutu, Brunet, Premiere Moisson 消费,并扫 Moi 积分卡 )
福利 & 保险
- RBC Offers
- 链接 Petro-Canada 加油,每升省 3分,并且多得 20% Petro-Points;
- 在 RONA, Réno-Dépôt and Lowe’s 消费, 前 $250 有 10% 返现, 接下来 $1250 有 5% 返现
- 手机保险 Mobile Device Insurance
Get 2 years of coverage up to $1,000 in the event your mobile device such as your cell phone is lost, stolen, accidentally damaged or experiences mechanical failure when you purchase your mobile device with this credit card.
- 购物保险、保修延长 Purchase Security and Extended Warranty Insurance
Automatically protects eligible card purchases against loss, theft or damage within 90 days of purchase, and doubles the manufacturer’s original Canadian warranty by up to one additional year, to a maximum of five years.