🇨🇦 Amex Gold/Rose Gold 【开卡 7.5 万 史高】

金属卡|旅行福利保险好|开卡奖励 7万点|MR 积分价值高, 可转航空里程

【2024.07 更新】使用推荐链接,开卡奖励 7.5 万 MR,比官网的 6 万点好多了。 如果推荐链接点开看到不是下图,可以试试隐身,或者用苹果手机、电脑打开。 开卡 7.5 万 MR 推荐链接1 , 开卡 7.5 万MR 推荐链接 2

  • 前 12 个账单,消费 $1000 得 5000 MR,共 6 万
  • 前三个月消费 $4000 得 1.5 万 MR


  • 丰厚的旅行福利和保险
  • 可选择金色玫瑰金金属卡
  • 高价值的 Amex Membership Rewards(MR)积分回馈,价值超过1.5 cpp
  • 积分使用灵活,可转换为航空里程酒店积分

发卡银行:Amex Canada
年费:$250,首张金卡副卡免费,之后金卡副卡每张 $50

消费返利形式: Amex MR(Membership Rewards)积分,可转换为航空里程,积分价值超过 1.5 cpp


开卡可获得最多 7.5 万积分

  • 第一年,每月消费 $1000,🉐️ 5000积分, 总计 6万点。
  • 前三个月,消费 $4000, 可额外获🉐️ 1.5万积分

推荐申请链接 1推荐申请链接 2


回馈为 MR 积分,价值超过 1.5 cpp

  • 2X:旅行消费(包括机票、酒店、租车、邮轮等)
  • 2X:餐饮消费,包括杂货店和食品配送
  • 2X:加油站、杂货店、药店(加拿大境内)
  • 2X:合格的旅行和交通消费
  • 1X:其他消费

福利 & 保险

  • 第一年免费额外Gold Rewards副卡(价值50美元),更快地获得点数。
  • 旅行保险:

$5,000,000 Emergency Medical Insurance (Out of province/country) / 紧急医疗保险(省外/国外)。每次省外旅行的前15天,每位65岁以下被保险人最高可获得500万加元的保险金额

$500,000 Travel Accident Insurance旅行意外伤害保险(每位被保险人每次旅行最高可获得1,500加元的保险金额,每次旅行的最高累计为3,000加元)

  • Flight Delay Insurance 航班延误保险

You can receive up to $500 in coverage (aggregate maximum with Baggage Delay Insurance) for necessary and reasonable accommodations, restaurant expenses and sundry items purchased within 48 hours when delayed or denied boarding for 4 hours or more and no alternate transportation is made available when you fully charge your airline ticket to your American Express® Gold Rewards Card.

  • Baggage Delay Insurance 行李延误保险

You can receive up to $500 in coverage (aggregate maximum with Flight Delay Insurance), for reasonable and necessary emergency purchases for essential clothing and sundry items purchased within four days of arrival at your destination when your checked-in baggage on your outbound trip is delayed for 6 or more hours when you fully charge your airline ticket to your American Express® Gold Rewards Card.

  • Lost or Stolen Baggage Insurance 行李遗失或失窃保险

You can be covered for loss or damage to your checked-in or carry-on baggage and personal effects while in transit for up to a maximum of $500 per trip for all insured person(s) combined when you fully charge your airline tickets to your American Express® Gold Rewards Card.

  • Hotel Burglary Insurance 酒店/汽车旅馆盗窃保险

You can receive up to $500 in coverage against the loss of most personal items (excluding cash) if your accommodation is burglarized when you fully charge your accommodations to your American Express® Gold Rewards Card.

  • Car Rental Theft and Damage Insurance 租车盗窃和损坏保险

You can be covered for theft, loss and damage of your rental car with an MSRP of up to $85,000 for rentals of 48 days or less when you fully charge your rental to your American Express® Gold Rewards Card. To take advantage of this protection, simply decline the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW), Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) or similar option offered by the car rental agency.

  • Trip Interruption Insurance 旅程中断保险


  • Trip Cancellation Insurance 旅程取消保险



  • 购物者保障计划 Buyer’s Assurance Protection Plan


  • 购物保障计划 Purchase Protection Plan



  • Annual travel credit每年$100酒店额外福利
  • Plaza Premium Lounge Visits + Priority Pass Membership优先通行™免费会员资格
  • 在加拿大各地的Plaza Premium休息室中,每年可以免费享受四次入场。免费次数用尽后,需要支付入场费。
  • 用Gold Rewards卡支付NEXUS申请或续订费时,可得50加元的对账单信用额度。每四年一次的$50 NEXUS Credit。


总的来说,美国运通金卡值得拥有,增加的福利和保险计划使它成为更具吸引力的信用卡。新的旅游福利和旅游保险计划都非常出色,尤其是每四年一次的$50 NEXUS信用,每年免费四次访问环亚贵宾室(Plaza Premium).


🌏 旅行爱好者|生活分享家 🌈
📍 当前所在地: 加拿大

🔎 研究领域: 购物攻略🛍️|信用卡💳|航空积分✈️|加拿大移民🇨🇦|择校申学📖
📚 个人简介: 旅行是我的热情所在,喜欢探索世界的美好,感受不同文化的魅力。我会定期分享旅行故事、生活点滴、购物攻略、信用卡积分、航空积分以及加拿大移民相关资讯哦。

🇨🇦移民申学签证等信息关注微信公众号: 加森国际留学移民(小程序同名)
📱 微信: teslacici (添加时请注明来意哦!)


  1. 請問個人金卡,12個月每消費1K送5K POINTS,里面的每個月是按日歷月算的,還是按下卡日期算的? Thanks in advance !

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