【2024.10 更新】商业白金卡 开卡奖励 15.5万 MR!博客推荐链接 1, 博客推荐链接 2, 博客推荐链接 3
【2024.07 更新】个人白金卡 开卡奖励 11 万 MR!
【2023.12.06 更新】机场休息室福利略微缩水: 2024.1.1 起,乘坐 Delta BE 舱位乘客无法利用白金卡进入 Delta 休息室。
We want to inform you of the following changeDelta Sky Club Lounges available through the American Express Global Lounge Collection, effective on January 1, 2024:
Eligible Platinum Cardmembers traveling on a same-day Delta-operated flight with a Basic Economy (E) fare ticket will no longer have access to the Delta Sky Club or to Grab andGo. For further information and to review the rules, please visit the Delta Sky Club website.
个人白金 | 商业白金 | |
卡片类型 | 签账卡(无额度上限) | 签账卡(无额度上限) |
年费 | $799,$250白金副卡 | $799,$250商业白金副卡 |
年度报销 | $200 Dinning Credit $200 Travel Credit $100 Nexus(每四年) | $200 Travel Credit $100 Nexus (每四年) $200 Dell Credit $300 Indeed Credit $120 Wireless Credit(每月$10,可用于手机费,网费) |
开卡奖 | 10万MR(3个月消费1万得7万MR;14-17消费任意获得剩下3万MR) 申请链接 | 12万MR(3个月消费$1.5万得8万MR;14-17月消费任意获得剩下4万MR) 申请链接1,推荐申请链接 2 |
返点能力 | 2x:吃饭,外卖,旅行 1x:其他 通过Amex Travel Portal获得额外1点 | 任意消费1.25x |
Out of Province/Country Emergency Medical Insurance (For under age 65) | ✓ | ✓ |
Trip Interruption Insurance | ✓ | ✓ |
Trip Cancellation Insurance | ✓ | ✓ |
Flight Delay Insurance | ✓ | ✓ |
Baggage Delay Insurance | ✓ | ✓ |
Car Rental Theft and Damage Insurance | ✓ | ✓ |
Lost or Stolen Baggage Insurance | ✓ | ✓ |
Hotel Burglary Insurance | ✓ | ✓ |
Travel Accident Insurance | ✓ | ✓ |
Travel Emergency Assistance | ✓ | ✓ |
Annual Travel Credit | ✓ | ✓ |
NEXUS◊ Card Statement Credit | ✓ | ✓ |
Lounge Access | ✓ | ✓ |
Hotel Benefits | ✓ | ✓ |
Concierge Services | ✓ | ✓ |
Dining & Entertainment Benefits | ✓ | |
Shopping Benefits | ✓ | ✓ |
Premium Travel Benefits | ✓ | ✓ |
Premium Airport Transfer Service | ✓ | ✓ |
24/7 Customer Service | ✓ | ✓ |
Purchase Protection® Plan | ✓ | ✓ |
Fraud Protection Guarantee | ✓ | ✓ |
Buyer’s Assurance® Protection Plan | ✓ | ✓ |
Emergency Card Replacement | ✓ | ✓ |
然后就是这次的重头戏,年度报销。这次个人白新加的Dinning Credit,表面上看起来不错,实际上暗藏玄机。
如图所示,这笔报销必须是单次消费$200以上(包括小费和税),同时这家餐厅必须在Amex自家的list上面,这一下限制就大了。这是Amex强制你去“高端餐厅”消费啊。这个报销对于经常使用Amex自家的Global Dinning Collection的小伙伴应该是个利好。但是,对于别的小伙伴,就见仁见智了;每年一次去高端餐厅消费,也不是不可以。但是这是建立在你已经交掉了年费的前提下的“强制消费”,性价比就一下子没那么香了。
此次改版后,个人白的年费从以前的$699 – $200(旅行)= $499;变成了$799 – $200 – $200 = $399。如果能充分运用掉报销,等效年费低于改版前
那么商业白方面,一下子加了好多“buff”,各种报销眼花缭乱,笔者带大家逐个分析。首先是大家非常熟悉的旅行报销,跟个人白一样,通过Amex Travel Portal预订旅行,可以搭配FHR用出比较大的价值。其次,商业白新加了$100的NEXUS报销,那由于NEXUS面试排队已经到猴年马月,能不能用上这个报销就见仁见智了。
重点来了,$200的Dell,戴尔报销和$300的Indeed报销。这两个看起来就很适合商业,公司用户。但是,如果现在持有商业金卡,商业白金卡的小伙伴们应该知道,这两个offer,在Amex Offer里本身就看得到。意思是,现在没改版前,不用加年费,Amex以offer的形式给大家免费薅;改版后,把本身的免费offer从大家的年费里拿出来,再送给大家。就是说,我本来可以免费送你的,诶我先升个年费,再每年退给你,属于是恶心人。
还有一个重头就是每个月10刀(共120每年)的Wireless Credit,据笔者和客服沟通的情况来看,这一项报销适用于电话费及网费的报销,还算是比较有诚意一点的报销,也是大家都能用掉的一笔报销。
这里统计一下大部分小伙伴能用掉的报销后,商业白的年费从改版前的$499变成了改版后的$799 – $200(旅行)- $120(话费网费)= $479,比改版前略微低了20刀年费。如果能继续用掉dell和indeed报销的话,等效年费将会更低。
如果白金能加上no fx fee的话,个人白的200餐饮报销,还是很有吸引力的。毕竟如果是在旅行的途中享受一顿fine dinning还是比较可以接受的。如果是这样的话可能笔者就会偏向于个人白了。
延伸阅读:🇨🇦Amex Platinum/Business Platinum 2023年改版
延伸阅读:🇨🇦 Amex Platinum/Business Platinum
延伸阅读:加拿大运通会员奖赏 🇨🇦 Canada Amex Membership Rewards 介绍
关键字:加拿大amex白金卡,加拿大运通白金卡,加版Amex Platinum,amex白金改版, 加拿大信用卡,美国运通白金卡,Amex 个人白金对比商业白金
【2023.09.25 更新】个人白金的dining credit可以使用的餐厅名单出炉,具体参考此链接
FHR是AMEX为黑金卡,白金卡持有者制定的酒店预定项目,通过AMEX TRAVEL预定,价格通常与酒店官网一致,但可额外附送以下权益:
Plaza Premium Lounges
Priority Pass
The Centurion® Lounge
Delta Sky Club (乘坐Delta航班时)
Priority Security Lane 快速安检
免费Valet Service
Parking fee 15%折扣
Avis Preferred 会员
Hertz Gold Plus 会员
省外医疗保险,65岁以下,上限15天500万(Emergency Medical Insurance – Out of province/country)
Can provide coverage of up to a maximum of $5,000,000 for eligible emergency medical expenses incurred by an insured person under age 65 while travelling outside your Canadian province or territory of residence for the first 15 consecutive days of a covered trip.
旅行中断保险(Trip Interruption Insurance)
You can be reimbursed for the non-refundable and non-transferable portion of your travel arrangements when charged to your Platinum Card before your departure date should you cancel your trip for a covered reason. You can be covered for up to $2,500 per insured person, per trip, up to a maximum of $5,000 for all insured persons combined.
旅行取消保险(Trip Cancellation Insurance)
When you charge your travel arrangements to your Platinum Card, this insurance can cover the non-refundable and non-transferable unused portion of your travel arrangements purchased before your departure date, should your trip be interrupted or delayed for a covered reason. You can be covered for up to $2,500 per insured person, per trip, up to a maximum of $6,000 for all insured persons combined.
租车保险(Car Rental Theft and Damage Insurance)
You can be covered for theft, loss and damage of your rental car with an MSRP of up to $85,000 for rentals of 48 days or less when you fully charge your rental to your Platinum Card. To take advantage of this protection, simply decline the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW), Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) or similar option offered by the car rental agency.
行李遗失失窃保险(Lost or Stolen Baggage Insurance)
You can receive up to $1,000 in coverage (aggregate maximum with Flight Delay Insurance), for reasonable and necessary emergency purchases for essential clothing and sundry items purchased within four days of arrival at your destination when your checked-in baggage on your outbound trip is delayed for 6 hours or more when you fully charge your airline ticket to your Platinum Card.
酒店失窃保险(Hotel Burglary Insurance)
You can receive up to $1,000 in coverage against the loss of most personal items (excluding cash) if your accommodation is burglarized when you fully charge your accommodations to your Platinum Card.
航班延误险+行李延误险,上限$1000(Flight Delay Insurance)
You can receive up to $1,000 in coverage (aggregate maximum with Baggage Delay Insurance) for necessary and reasonable accommodations, restaurant expenses and sundry items purchased within 48 hours when delayed or denied boarding for 4 hours or more and no alternate transportation is made available when you fully charge your airline ticket to your Platinum Card.
50万公共交通意外险($500,000 Travel Accident Insurance)
You can be covered up to $500,000 of Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance when you fully charge your common carrier (plane, train, ship or bus) tickets to your Platinum Card.
Purchase Protection, 损坏/失窃保险(上限$1,000)
Buyers Assurance Protection 自动延长原有保修1年
其中Purchase Protection, 个人白金卡在购买日起120天内有效,商业白金为购买日起90天内有效
Buyers Assurance Protection 个人白金无明确限制,商业白金为每样物品维修,保修上限为$10,000;每年不超过$25,000
详细讲解Choice酒店集团品牌 及其 常旅客计划 Choice Privilege | 举例性价比高的兑换城市
记录酒店相关促销活动,包括但不限于 积分购买促销、转积分加赠、酒店限时活动
记录与航空相关促销活动,包括但不限于 里程购买促销、积分转里程加赠 等