- 无亮点, 不值得申请

年费:$0; 副卡 $0
此卡累积的是 More Rewards 积分, 没啥意思,大概等同于 cash; 每 10000 分对换 $15, 也就是 0.15 cpp
可兑换 statement credit, 可兑换礼卡, 可兑换旅行消费
2025.06.25 之前申请: 50,000 More Rewards 积分,相当于 $75
- 首次消费 得 3 万点
- 前三个月消费 $500 得 2 万点
5x:也就是 0.75%, 在 More Rewards 店里消费, 包括 save-on-foods
5x:也就是 0.75%,加油、充电、吃饭
3x:也就是 0.45%, 其他消费
福利 & 保险
RBC 常规福利
- Petro-Canada 3 cents/L
Save 3¢/L on fuel and earn 20% more Petro-PointsTM when you pay with a linked RBC card.
- RBC Offers
- Purchase Security and Extended Warranty
Get automatic protection against loss, theft or damage on eligible card purchases within 90 days of purchase, and double the manufacturer’s original Canadian warranty by up to one additional year, to a maximum of five years.
- Mobile Device Insurance
Get 2 years of coverage up to $1,000 in the event your mobile device such as your cell phone is lost, stolen, accidentally damaged or experiences mechanical failure when you purchase your mobile device with this credit card.